Songs of Earth

With Olin's 85-year-old father as guide, we experience Norway's most adventurous valley, Oldedalen in Nordfjord. He grew up here, and here generations before him have lived in balance with nature.DocumentaryPT1H30M2024-07-05
Jørgen Mykløen
Magnhild Mykløen
Margreth Olin
Margreth Olin
Margreth Olin
Lena Faye-Lund Sandvik
Songs of Earth"Songs of Earth"


July 6, 11:30 am

July 6, 3:45 pm

July 7, 2:30 pm

July 8, 7:10 pm

July 9, 2:15 pm

July 10, 1:45 pm

July 10, 5:00 pm

July 11, 3:45 pm

July 11, 6:00 pm

The Grand Cinema