
Slide is the tale of a mythical cowboy who appears in a corrupt logging town (circa 1940's) and with the aid of his slide guitar and a giant Hellbug, he's able to battle the evil mayor and his equally selfish twin brother to clean up the logging town of Sourdough Creek. Most of the action takes place in the twins' Luckybuck Saloon and Bordello, where "Slide" (that's the cowboy's name) performs with a three-piece cowboy band. They play music akin to Hank Williams and Patsy Cline. Delilah, one of the "Happy Time" girls, falls for Slide and wants to leave the B-girl profession and become a singing star. But to make matters more bizarre, a Hollywood film company arrives to shoot a romantic adventure movie there, but they need a beautiful lake for the setting. And this is where the twins (Jeb and Zeke) go from bad to evil. They're forced to build a dam in one week, and the rushed schedule leads to a slipshod piece of engineering — and that builds to an amazing climax of horror, bravery and retribution.PT1H18M2024-10-11
Bill Plympton


October 11, 8:45 pm

The Grand Cinema