PNW Late Night

Bones | United States | 2023 | 3 min | Ed Castañeda | A man harvests resources from his disturbing hobby to help prepare for his gig work. Echos | United States | 2023 | 7 min | David Over | After his grandfather passes away, a man discovers evidence he was involved in the government's effort to cover up a UFO sighting off Maury Island, WA in 1947. Echo | United States | 2022 | 7 min | Haley McCoy | Two hikers veer off the path to find an amazing view, but their experience is quickly tarnished when they suddenly start hearing a familiar voice yelling at them. Vines | United States | 2024 | 18 min | Luke Zwanziger | A mad botanist experiments on an unwilling human subject to give plants a fighting chance against climate change. The Scalpel | United States | 2024 | 20 min | Richard H Lyford | A doctor experiments outside traditional and ethical bounds, using himself as a test subject. Fishmonger | United States | 2023 | 23 min | Neil Ferron | In this supernatural dark comedy, a pathetic Irish fishmonger must survive a sex pact with an ancient fish creature in order to save his mother’s soul from burning in hell. Ghost Town | United States | 2023 | 15 min | Molly Muse | Two friends lumber into a ghost town to break a curse.PNW Late Night showing at: October 11, 9:30 pm
PNW Late Night

Location: The Grand Cinema 606 Fawcett Avenue, Tacoma, WA, 984026

2024-10-11T21:30:00-07:00PT1H33M2024-10-11T23:08:00-07:00205PNW Late Night"
The Grand Cinema