Experimental Shorts

Visions of Waves | United States | 2023 | 3 min | Desirée Tolchin | Submerged into a stream of life and death, we meet different forms of people, places, and things. Wonderful | United States | 2024 | 4 min | Daniel Martinico | Into the flickering abyss. Resonancia | Mexico | 2024 | 8 min | James Choi | When avocados appear, we are in a fertile time of new beginnings and adventures on both the conscious and unconscious level. Why Are You Image Plus? | Portugal | 2023 | 9 min | Diogo Baldaia | In a small and poor village, a local Saint controls the realm of the abyss, making it impossible for dead people to talk to their loved ones who are still living. When We Encounter The World | Portugal, United States | 2023 | 11 min | Leonardo Pirondi, Zazie Ray-Trapido | A self-regulating society of children is installed in an enclosed forest as a sociological experiment. Their only visions of the outside world come in the form of strange films from their benefactors, one of which is recreated here. Light of Light | Greece | 2023 | 13 min | Neritan Zinxhiria | Before his death in 1932, a monk created his own camera in one of the most isolated places in the world. 90 years later, a filmmaker discovers and reconstructs the found footage. Map to the Sirens | United States | 2024 | 14 min | Demetrius Antonio Lewis | By way of Atlanta, Georgia’s railway, oral histories from local rideshare drivers with urban landscapes uncover the post-industrial American South and its fraught history with progress, labor and space. Braided Sand | United States | 2024 | 17 min | Tracy Abbott Szatan | What if the rock could be a lens? And if it’s not a question of if, but when? There is no glass lens without sand.Experimental Shorts showing at: October 12, 2:45 pm
Experimental Shorts

Location: The Grand Cinema 606 Fawcett Avenue, Tacoma, WA, 984026

2024-10-12T14:45:00-07:00PT1H19M2024-10-12T16:09:00-07:00109Experimental Shorts"
The Grand Cinema