Dramatic Shorts

Happy For You | United States | 2024 | 8 min | Courtney Hope Therond | At a career milestone celebration, Sophie's former mentor returns. A Family Business | United States | 2023 | 9 min | Richard Harrington | When Brendan turns 18, he reaches out to his biological father for the first time with hopes of joining the family business: The Mob. Sunflower Girl | United States | 2023 | 13 min | Holly M. Kaplan | When a 13-year-old Chinese-American girl has the opportunity to go skateboarding with her crush, it comes at the cost of abandoning her little sister. Fall Risk | United States | 2024 | 19 min | Alex Martini | Dylan finds herself in and out hospitals and rehabilitation centers with a life-changing diagnosis, multiple sclerosis. However, as Dylan navigates her new reality, she begins to suspect something is amiss with her partner, Emily, and if her body is the biggest deception in her life. Little Queen (Petite Reine) | France | 2023 | 25 min | Julien Guetta | Stéphanie is a jovial and strong single mother. She shares everything with her 13-year-old daughter, Léna: their passion for popstar Angèle, their clothes, even the teenager's diary, in which Stéphanie corrects omissions.Dramatic Shorts showing at: October 11, 3:00 pm
Dramatic Shorts

Location: The Grand Cinema 606 Fawcett Avenue, Tacoma, WA, 984026

2024-10-11T15:00:00-07:00PT1H14M2024-10-11T16:19:00-07:00105Dramatic Shorts"
The Grand Cinema